05/01/2023, 21:12 Time
Vince Rubiera

What is a Virtual Power Purchasing Agreement (VPPA)?

What is a VPPA?

USPA NEWS - Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs) have emerged as an innovative way for corporations and organizations ...

05/01/2023, 21:08 Time
Vince Rubiera

Uncertainty in the Power Purchase Agreement Market

Uncertainty in the PPA Market

USPA NEWS - Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have become popular for corporations to support renewable energy projects and ...

05/01/2023, 21:02 Time
Vince Rubiera

Inflation Reduction Act - Summary of Subtitle D - Part 2 (Clean Fuels)

IRA - Summary of Subtitle D - Part 2

USPA NEWS - The H.R.5376 - Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is a law that seeks to extend incentives for the production and ...

05/01/2023, 20:54 Time

The Impact of Natural Gas and Renewable Energy in Texas

Renewable Energy in Texas

USPA NEWS - The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released a report highlighting the factors influencing elect...

05/01/2023, 20:08 Time
Vince Rubiera

Negotiating a Virtual Power Purchasing Agreement (VPPA)

Virtual Power Purchasing Agreement/VPPA

USPA NEWS - Negotiating a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA) is crucial for the success of renewable energy projects. ...

05/01/2023, 20:02 Time
Vince Rubiera

Inflation Reduction Act - Summary of Subtitle D - Part 1

IRA - Summary of Subtitle D - Part 1

USPA NEWS - The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 modifies the credit for renewable electricity production, extending it unti...

05/01/2023, 19:42 Time
Vince Rubiera

Carbon-Free and Clean: The Case for Nuclear Energy

The Case for Nuclear Energy

USPA NEWS - Nuclear energy is a clean, carbon-free, and reliable source of electricity that is often overlooked. Despite it...

05/01/2023, 19:24 Time
Vince Rubiera

The Benefits and Challenges of Investing in Renewable Energy for Business

Investing in Renewable Energy

USPA NEWS - Discover the advantages and disadvantages of investing in renewable energy for your business, including cost sa...

05/01/2023, 18:21 Time
Vince Rubiera

Exploring the Different Forms of Renewable Energy Storage

Renewable Energy Storage

USPA NEWS - As renewable energy sources become increasingly integrated into the grid, the need for effective storage soluti...

05/01/2023, 18:14 Time
Vince Rubiera

Renewable Energy and ESG Reporting Take Center Stage for Corporations

ESG Reporting

USPA NEWS - As stakeholders demand greater transparency and accountability, corporations are increasingly focusing on ESG r...

05/01/2023, 17:49 Time
Vince Rubiera

Managing Basis Successfully with Long-Term VPPAs for Renewable Energy

Managing Basis Successfully with Long-Te

USPA NEWS - Managing basis with long-term fixed price VPPAs is critical for buyers looking to secure renewable energy for t...

10/11/2021, 17:44 Time
Vince Rubiera

The Up-in-the-Air Future of the Coconut Grove Playhouse Leaves Locals Steaming

Future of the Coconut Grove Playhouse

USPA NEWS - Historical preservation in Miami is fraught with enough challenges before you factor in the private interests o...

10/11/2021, 17:34 Time
Vince Rubiera

Cries for Help Still Echo from Cuba Even Though Media Furor Has Died Down

Cries for Help Still Echo from Island

USPA NEWS - Nearly one year after the onset of the global pandemic and things are still not back to normal for much of the ...

10/11/2021, 17:23 Time
Vince Rubiera

Is the Future of Wynwood a Franchise Opportunity?

The Future of Wynwood

USPA NEWS - There’s little doubt that Miami is changing - and fast. But one neighborhood, in particular, that is note...

10/11/2021, 16:59 Time
Vince Rubiera

Eco Spirits “Haunting” Wynwood? Wooden Trolls Pop Up Around Miami

Wooden Trolls Pop Up Around Miami

USPA NEWS - Long ago, people believed that spirits inhabited the forests and wildlands around us, protecting them and their...

09/17/2021, 19:27 Time
Vince Rubiera

Cupertino Debuts Slew of Models in New iPhone 13 Range in Latest Iterative Drop

What's Old is New Again for the iPhone

USPA NEWS - Another year, another batch of new iPhones hits the Internet to dampened-yet-still-feverish hype in the era of ...




Daren Frankish


Yasmina BEDDOU




Aurangzeb Akbar
